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单位:泰山学院     作者:高一歌,高博文     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:文章基于CDIO理念,以工业设计专业双创人才培养为导向,观察与透视产业转型背景下工业设计专业的困境与社会新需求,设计了工业设计全域多维双创人才培养模式。通过搭建双创人才模型、设计培养方案、改革课堂教学、组建创新创业平台、建设资源库、构建全域多维考核体系等举措,全面革新工业设计人才培养机制,为我国高校工业设计双创型人才培养提供理论依据和实践参考。


中图分类号:C961 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on CDIO concept, guided by the training of innovative talents in industrial design specialty, this paper observes and perspects the difficulties and new social needs of industrial design major under the background of industrial transformation. It designs a multi-dimensional creative and innovative talents cultivation mode of industrial design. Through building the model of creative and innovative talents,designing the training scheme,reforming the classroom teaching,establishing the innovation and entrepreneurship platform,building the resource bank,improving the assessment methods,etc.,we can comprehensively innovate the training mechanism of industrial design talents,and provide theoretical basis and practical reference for the cultivation of creative and innovative talents of industrial design in Colleges and universities in China.

Key Words:CDIO; industrial design major; Innovation and entrepreneurship; Talent training mode; Construction