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单位:亳州学院美术系     作者:王博文     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:环境设计专业承担着传承弘扬中华传统文化和为社会提供更多高素质优秀应用型环境设计人才的重任,在人才培养过程中实现思政教育与环境设计专业融合的教学目标已成为一种趋势。文章针对地方本科院校思政教育与环境设计专业教学的融合展开深入研究,概述了基于思政教育的环境设计专业教学改革意义,并提出了基于思政教育的环境设计专业教学改革策略。以期为环境设计专业教学改革提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The environmental design major undertakes the responsibility of inheriting and carrying forward the Traditional Chinese culture and providing more high-quality and excellent applied environmental design talents for the society. It has become an inevitable trend to realize the teaching goal of integrating ideological and political education and environmental design major in the process of talent training. This paper makes an in-depth study on the integration of ideological and political education and environmental design major teaching in local undergraduate colleges, summarizes the significance of the teaching reform of environmental design major based on ideological and political education, and puts forward the teaching reform strategy of environmental design major based on ideological and political education. In order to provide some reference for the teaching reform of environmental design specialty.

Key Words:Environmental Design; Teaching Reform; Strategy