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单位:青岛理工大学     作者:李雪,孟香玲,毕乾岩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:文章运用感性工学理论,构建了筋膜枪造型意象与感性认知映射模型,采用语义差异法和Likert量表对代表性样本进行感性意象认知分析。通过分析调研数据得出影响造型特征的主要元素,并依据主要元素对筋膜枪进行造型设计,从而将无形的感性意象词汇转化为有形的造型设计元素,为筋膜枪形态设计提供了设计思路。


中图分类号:TS952.91 文献标识码:A


Abstract:this paper constructs the mapping model between fascia gun modeling image and perceptual cognition by using perceptual engineering theory, uses semantic difference method and Likert scale to analyze the perceptual image cognition of representative samples, and obtains the main elements affecting modeling characteristics by analyzing the survey data, The fascia gun is designed according to the main elements, so as to transform the invisible perceptual image words into tangible modeling design elements, provide design ideas for the shape design of fascia gun.

Key Words:Kansei Engineering; Semantic Difference Method; Fascia Gun; Appearance Design