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单位:天津工业大学     作者:李茹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:茶室空间是融合了多种传统文化元素的生活空间,中国传统文化是珍贵的设计素材,将传统文化元素与现代茶室装饰设计相结合,能够给人眼前一亮的设计感。文章首先概述了中国传统元素,然后阐述了中国传统元素在现代茶室孔家装饰设计中的意义及思路。以期传承中国传统文化,促进现代茶室空间装饰设计的创新。


中图分类号:TU247.3 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Tearoom space is a living space that integrates a variety of traditional cultural elements, and traditional Chinese culture is a precious design material,  the ingenious combination of traditional cultural elements and modern tearoom decoration design can give people a bright sense of design. This paper first summarizes the Chinese traditional elements, and then expounds the significance and ideas of Chinese traditional elements in the decoration design of modern tea house Kongjia. In order to inherit Chinese traditional culture, promote the innovation of modern teahouse space decoration design.

Key Words:Chinese Traditional Elements; Modern Tearoom Space; Decorative Design; Application