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单位:天津科技大学     作者:李珂欣,张琲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:现代灯具正从单纯的外观设计转向对光影的设计,光是灯的灵魂,影是光的“伴侣”,氛围灯作为装饰类灯具,主要依靠光影渲染环境氛围,光影对氛围灯设计具有重要意义。因此,文章展开了对氛围灯光影设计的探索,文章首先从形状、质感、色彩三方面对光影的特性及给人的心理感受进行分析,然后阐述了氛围灯光影设计的必要性,最后从不同方面总结出了氛围灯的光影设计思路。以期为氛围灯设计提供新的设计方向。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Modern lamps design focus are changing from simple appearance design to light and shadow design. Light is the soul of lamps and shadow is the companion of light. As decorative lamps,atmosphere lamps mainly rely on light and shadow to set off the environmental atmosphere. Light and shadow are of great significance to the design of atmosphere lamp.Therefore,this paper explores the design of light and shadow of atmosphere lamps.Firstly,this paper analyzes the characteristics of light and shadow and the psychological feelings from the three aspects of shape,texture and color. Then elaborates the significance of the design of light and shadow of atmosphere lamp. Finally this paper illustrates the design ideas of light and shadow of atmosphere lamp from different aspects.It provides a new design direction for the design of atmosphere lamp.

Key Words:ambient lighting; light-and-shadow design; Design ideas