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单位:南京科技职业...     作者:刘灿灿,田人羽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:我国老年人口增长过快,但目前的老年人适老产品的设计,无法满足老年人的需求。文章以老年人产品的适老性设计为契机,从老年人的心理上和生理上分析适老性产品设计的原则。以期让适老产品真正的满足老年人需求。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid growth of the elderly population in China, the industry related to the design of products suitable for the elderly has stagnated, unable to meet the needs of the elderly. This paper takes the age-appropriate product design for the elderly as an opportunity to analyze the principles of the old-age product design from the psychological and physiological aspects of the elderly. In order to make the products suitable for the elderly truly meet the needs of the elderly.

Key Words:Ageing; age-appropriate; The product design