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单位:华南农业大学...     作者:蒋祺,郭琼,潘晓妍     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:家具橱窗是展示家具产品的重要手段,承载着传递家具产品内涵与特征的功能。好的家具橱窗展示能够促进家具产品的销售,并提高产品的附加值。文章总结了空间高效利用、空间氛围融洽、契合品牌主题三个家具展示空间的设计原则,从主题选择、空间构图、色彩搭配、光影效果、道具运用、新媒体运用角度阐释了家具展示空间设计的表达手法,并进行了两个具体的设计实践,以期对国内外家具橱窗展示空间设计研究有一定的参考价值。


中图分类号:TS664.01 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Furniture window display is an important means to display furniture products, bearing the function of conveying the connotation and characteristics of furniture products. A good furniture window display can promote the sale of furniture products and increase the added value of products. Article summarizes the efficient use of space, space harmonious atmosphere, with brand theme three furniture exhibition space design principles, from the topic selection, space composition, colour collocation, light and shadow, props, new media USES perspective to interpret the furniture exhibition space design expression, and launched two concrete design practice, It is expected to have a certain reference value to the research of furniture window display space design at home and abroad.

Key Words:Furniture; show window; Space design