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单位:福州大学工艺...     作者:刘路路     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:为了增强学生体质、引导学生运动,文章提出以无意识理念为导向的中学校园运动互动墙的设计研究。文章首先对无意识理念及互动墙做出概述;其次阐述了无意识理念在此次设计研究中的指导意义,以及无意识理念的应用流程;最后提出设计方案并完成设计实践。文章通过无意识理念来指导校园运动互动墙的设计研究,希望可以转变学生的运动观念,并引导学生积极运动。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to enhance students' physique and guide students' sports, this paper puts forward the design and research of the Middle School Campus Sports Interactive Wall guided by the concept of unconsciousness. This paper first summarizes the unconscious concept and interactive wall, then expounds the guiding significance of the unconscious concept in the design research, and the application process of the unconscious concept, and finally puts forward the design scheme and completes the design practice. This article through the unconscious concept to guide the design and research of the Campus Sports Interactive Wall, hoping to guide the students' sports, change the concept of students' sports.

Key Words:Unconscious design; middle school; sports; Interactive Wall Design