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单位:天津商业大学...     作者:郑方     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:随着世界经济水平的不断发展,以及人们生活水平的提高,人们对于商业空间的需求也有所提升。文章主要研究商业空间导示系统设计及其与空间环境的关系,通过分析商业空间导视系统的设计现状,提出基于人性化理念的商业空间导示系统设计原则,最后进行实例分析。以期为商业空间导示系统设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TU247 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the continuous development of the world economy and the improvement of the quality of life, people's demand for commercial space has also increased. This paper studies the design of commercial space guiding system and its relationship with the space environment. By sorting out the humanization related theories and the current situation of commercial space, it puts forward the design principles of commercial space guiding system based on the humanization concept. Finally, an example is analyzed. In order to provide some reference for the design and design of commercial space guide system.

Key Words:Humanization Idea; Commercial Space; Guide System Design