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单位:东北电力大学     作者:彭鸿坤,刘云飞     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:在现代城市空间中,商业与居住为城市最主要的功能,其公共空间又是城市环境的重要组成部分。随着现代城市的发展,人们对于城市生活质量的要求不断提高,合理的商住公共空间景观是非常必要的。因此,文章着重探讨现代城市商住公共空间景观设计的原则及思路。以期现代城市商住景观具备文化性和功能性,让城市展现出新的形象,进而推动现代城市的可持续发展。


中图分类号:TU984.114 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the modern urban space, commerce and residence are the main functions of the city, and its public space is an important part of the urban environment. With the development of modern cities, people's requirements for the quality of urban life continue to increase, and a reasonable commercial and residential public space landscape is very necessary. Therefore, this paper focuses on the principles and ideas of landscape design of commercial and residential public space in modern cities. In order to commercial and residential landscape with cultural and functional, let the city show a new image, and then promote the sustainable development of modern cities.

Key Words:Urban Public Space; residential-commercial buildings; Landscape Design