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单位:华侨大学     作者:夏文殊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-12-27

摘 要:《产品表现技法》是产品设计专业的一门必要课程,是培养产品设计专业人才的重要方法。文章从产品设计思维的培养和应用出发,通过对《产品表现技法》课程中所存在的问题进行分析,将产品设计思维应用到《产品表现技法》课程当中,调整教学内容,完善课程体系,提高学生手绘能力。以期促进学生手绘表达和思维能力的统一,培养产品设计专业应用型人才。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:"Product Performance Techniques" is a necessary course for product design majors and an important method for cultivating product design professionals. Starting from the cultivation and application of product design thinking, the article analyzes the problems in the "Product Performance Techniques" course, applies product design thinking to the "Product Performance Techniques" course, adjusts the teaching content, perfects the curriculum system, and improves Students' hand-drawing ability. In order to promote the unification of students' hand-painted expression and thinking ability, and cultivate applied talents in product design.

Key Words:product design thinking; Product Presentation Techniques; applications