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单位:三明学院     作者:罗臻     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-12-27

摘 要:毕业设计是产品设计专业最重要的实践课程,是培养方案中的重要环节。文章在OBE理念的指导下,针对应用型高校产品设计专业毕业设计的教学现状,从选题、指导方式、教学成果、展览形式和评价标准五个方面为切入点,结合应用型高校人才的培养特色,探索和研究产品设计专业毕业设计教学的改革策略,培养更具创新能力和实践能力的应用型人才。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:graduation design is the most important practical course of product design major and an important process in the training plan. Follow the guidance of the concept of OBE, in view of the present situation of graduation design teaching of product design major in applied colleges and universities, this study explored and studied the improvement scheme of graduation design teaching ring of product design major from five aspects:topic selection, guidance mode, teaching achievement, exhibition form and evaluation criteria. Combined with the characteristics of talent training in application-oriented colleges and universities, hoping to cultivate applied talents with more innovative and practical ability. 

Key Words:OBE concept; applied university; graduation design; teaching reform