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单位:广东食品药品...     作者:田静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-12-27

摘 要:在线开放课程推动着教师教育教学理念的转变和教学模式的创新,在线开放课程的优质教育资源通过现代信息技术手段实现共建共享,满足不同层次的学生进行学习。文章以《标志设计与VI设计》课程为例,分析《标志设计与VI设计》在线开放课程建设的意义及方法,从而探索高职在线开放课程的建设,以期与同行们交流,共同提升此类课程的教学质量。

关键词:标志设计与VI设计; 艺术设计类专业;在线开放课程

中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The online open courses promote the transformation of teachers' education and teaching concepts and the innovation of teaching models. The high-quality educational resources of online open courses realize co-construction and sharing through modern information technology to meet the needs of students of different levels to learn. The article takes the course of "Logo Design and VI Design" as an example, analyzes the significance and methods of online open courses of "Logo Design and VI Design", and explores the construction of online open courses for higher vocational education, in order to communicate with peers and jointly improve this type of course. The teaching quality of the course.

Key Words:LOGO design and VI design course; Art design major; Online Open course