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单位:西安工程大学     作者:陈亚平     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-12-27

摘 要:菱形纹是中国历史上出现较早且沿用至今具有强烈时代特点的几何纹样,特别是敦煌莫高窟的洞窟壁画中包含有大量的菱形纹原貌。文章对收集的近一百个菱形纹案例进行不同角度的比对,分析敦煌莫高窟早、中、晚三个时期壁画类菱形纹在类型、构成形式、色彩、装饰形式等方面的特点,并以此探讨莫高窟壁画类菱形纹的演变特征。


中图分类号:J522 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The diamond pattern is a geometric pattern that appeared earlier in Chinese history and is still in use today with strong characteristics of the times. In particular, the cave paintings of the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang contain a large number of original diamond patterns. The article compares the collected nearly 100 diamond pattern cases from different angles, and analyzes the characteristics of the type, composition, color, and decorative form of the mural diamond patterns in the early, middle and late periods of the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. And to explore the evolution characteristics of the diamond-like frescoes in Mogao Grottoes.

Key Words:Dunhuang; Mogao Grottoes; diamond pattern; shape; evolution