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单位:广西师范大学...     作者:陈苒染     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-12-27

摘 要:强势品牌在用户心中有着清晰良好的品牌形象,它不仅影响视觉语言的创作,而且能将品牌的信息烙印在消费者的大脑中。文章首先简述了强势品牌、广告设计、视觉语言三者的概念;其次探索强势品牌下广告设计中视觉语言表现的意义;最后从视觉语言中的三要素:图形、色彩、文字等角度,分析强势品牌如何巧妙地将视觉语言运用于广告设计中,从而提升品牌的形象,赢得更多受众对品牌的关注与期待。通过本文研究,以期在视觉语言创作过程中展示画面的艺术性,同时传递信息及情感价值,展示品牌广告的魅力。


中图分类号:J524.3 文献标识码:A


Abstract:A strong brand has a clear and good brand image in the minds of users. It not only affects the creation of visual language, but also imprints brand information in consumers' brains. The article first briefly describes the concepts of strong brands, advertising design, and visual language; secondly, explores the expression meaning of visual language in advertisements under strong brands; finally, analyzes the strong from the perspectives of the three elements of visual language: graphics, colors, and text. How can brands cleverly use visual language in advertising design to enhance the brand’s image and win more audiences’ attention and expectations for the brand. Through the research of this article, we hope to show the artistry of the pictures in the process of visual language creation, while conveying information and emotional value, and show the charm of brand advertising.

Key Words:strong brands; advertising design; visual language; performance