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单位:广东海洋大学...     作者:黄天杨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-01-19

摘 要:培养学生的创新设计能力是设计教育的目标之一。创新设计能力的培养体现在课程理论教学与实验教学等多个教学环节中,而专题训练实践则是有效的方式之一。文章在产品系统开发设计课程中,以机器人作为训练实践专题,进行了产品开发创新设计能力培养的教学探索与实践,拓展了学生的创新设计思维,提升了学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。以期为其他课程教学改革提供参考。 


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Cultivating students' innovative design ability is one of the goals of design education. The cultivation of creative design ability is embodied in the course of multiple teaching links such as course theory teaching and experimental teaching, and special training practice is one of the effective ways. In the course of product system development and design, the article uses robots as the subject of training and practice, and conducts teaching exploration and practice of product development and innovative design ability training, expands students' innovative design thinking, and improves students' ability to discover, analyze and solve problems. , Which can be used as a reference for other courses or professional teaching reforms.

Key Words:Thematic Training Model; Innovative Design; Robot; Industrial Design