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单位:衡水市桃城区...     作者:王海丽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-01-19

摘 要:旅游商品是沟通游客和旅游目的地的纽带,持续升温的旅游市场给旅游商品市场带来了巨大的推动力,当下的旅游商品趋同化、低质化等现象严重。文章首先分析了目前旅游商品设计的现状,然后提出衡水内画在旅游商品设计中的应用原则。以期传承衡水内画这种传统艺术,并扩宽旅游商品设计的思路,同时助力乡村振兴。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Tourism commodities are the link between tourists and tourist destinations. The continuously warming tourism market has brought huge impetus to the tourism commodity market. The current phenomenon of assimilation and low quality of tourism commodities is serious. This paper first analyzes the present situation of tourist commodity design, and then puts forward the application principle of hengshui inner painting in tourist commodity design. In order to inherit the traditional art of Hengshui inner painting, and broaden the idea of tourism commodity  design, while helping the rural revitalization.

Key Words:Hengshui paintings; tourism product; design; packaging