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单位:齐齐哈尔大学...     作者:吴波,桑意然     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-01-19

摘 要:随着影视游戏业在国内的兴起,CG艺术越来越为人们认同和熟知。而硬表面设计作为CG艺术的一个门类,其设计师在国内属于稀缺人才,国内企业近年来也在鼓励和培养硬表面设计人才。文章从起源及内在精神、科技发展、形态、复古未来主义和未来主义四个方面,分析了CG艺术中硬表面设计风格。通过文章的研究,以期为该艺术门类在国内的进一步发展提供可参考的素材。


中图分类号:J06 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rise of film and video game industry in China, CG art is more and more recognized and known by people. Hard surface is a category of CG art, and hard surface designers are scarce in China. In recent years, domestic enterprises are encouraging and training hard surface designer. This paper analyzes the hard surface design style four aspects: origin and inner spirit, technological development, form, retro futurism and futurism. Through the research of this article, it is expected to provide reference materials for the further development of this art category in China.

Key Words:CG art; Hard surface design; Style