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单位:西南科技大学     作者:杨一帆,程鲲,尹显明     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-02-18

摘 要:工业设计教育的革新需要思维的创新作为引导。在新工科背景下,社会对工业设计人才的思维能力提出了更高的要求。文章围绕设计思维与工业设计教育改革这一主题,从设计思维研究现状入手,分析工业设计教育在课程设置、教学模式、人才培养中所存在的局限性,探究设计思维学习对工业设计人才培养的意义,并提出设计思维驱动工业设计教育改革的相关策略,以期加强设计类学生思维能力的培养,为创新型工业设计人才培养提供新思路。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract: The innovation of industrial design education needs to be guided by the innovation of thinking. Under the background of new engineering, society has put forward higher requirements on the thinking ability of industrial design talents. The article focuses on the theme of design thinking and industrial design education reform, starting from the current status of design thinking research, analyzing the limitations of industrial design education in curriculum settings, teaching models, and talent training, and exploring the effects of design thinking learning on the training of industrial design talents. Significance, and proposed design thinking-driven industrial design education reform related strategies to strengthen the cultivation of design students' thinking ability and provide new ideas for the cultivation of innovative industrial design talents.

Key Words:Design Thinking; Industrial Design; Design Education Reform