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单位:沈阳航空航天大学     作者:仇梦欢,高宏博,卜立言     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-02-18

摘 要:文章立足于通识教育背景,针对高校美育课程的赋能路径进行了研究。通过对通识教育与高校美育之间的内在联系进行分析,探讨了高校美育课程的发展现状及所面临的问题。论证了高校“通识教育”与“美育”有着更深层次的正向关联和内部契合。在通识教育背景下,构建高校美育课程体系建设与赋能路径,能形成“通识教育”到“美育”的圈层效应。引导学生形成正确的审美观,传承和弘扬美学精神的育人作用,以期为我国高校美育教育的发展提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the background of general education, this paper studies the empowerment path of college aesthetic education curriculum. By analyzing the internal relationship between general education and aesthetic education in Colleges and universities, this paper discusses the current situation and problems of aesthetic education curriculum in Colleges and universities. It demonstrates that "general education" and "aesthetic education" in Colleges and universities have a deeper positive correlation and internal fit. Under the background of general education, we should construct the construction and empowerment path of aesthetic education curriculum system in Colleges and universities, and form the circle effect from "general education" to "aesthetic education". Guide students to form a correct aesthetic view, inherit and carry forward the educational role of aesthetic spirit, in order to provide some reference for the development of aesthetic education in Colleges and universities in China.

Key Words:General Education; Aesthetic Education in Colleges; Course Construction; Enabling Path