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单位:中国矿业大学     作者:张嘉敏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-02-21

摘 要:乡村振兴背景下,住宅作为村民最主要的活动场所,提升其设计水平和突出乡土地域特色及其重要。装配式建造作为近年来大力倡导的新型生产方式,将其融入农宅设计,有助于提升农宅质量和乡村文明。乡村装配式住宅设计复合住宅设计、装配式施工、地域特色表达等需求,具有复杂性。文章在分析其国内外发展现状和意义的基础上,提出了应对复杂需求的在地性、可持续、安全性和舒适性的设计原则,以期为乡村装配式住宅设计提供新思路。


中图分类号:TU241 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the background of rural revitalization, residential houses are the main activity places for villagers, and the requirements for improving its design level and highlighting regional characteristics are put forward. As a new production method vigorously advocated in recent years, prefabricated construction is integrated into the design of farm houses, which will help improve the quality of farm houses and rural civilization. The design of rural prefabricated houses is complicated with house design, prefabricated construction requirements, and expression of regional characteristics. Based on the analysis of its development status and significance at home and abroad, the article puts forward the design principles of locality, sustainability, safety and comfort in response to complex needs, and intends to provide richer ideas for the design of rural prefabricated houses.

Key Words:Rural; Prefabricated; Residential design