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单位:东北电力大学     作者:刘云飞,彭鸿坤     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-02-21

摘 要:城市中的旧住宅存在着许多问题,影响着市民的生活质量和城市的发展,人们对于住宅的更新改造需求迫在眉睫,积极开展城市更新行动,以促进城市结构优化和生活品质的提高。文章首先分析了旧住宅的存在问题,然后阐述了城市更新背景下的旧住宅改造意义,最后提出城市更新背景下的旧住宅改造方法。以期助力城市的健康发展,提升市民的幸福感和归属感。


中图分类号:TU241 文献标识码:A


Abstract:There are many problems in the old houses in the city, which affect the quality of life of citizens and the development of the city. People's demand for the renewal and transformation of houses is imminent, and urban renewal activities are actively carried out to promote the optimization of urban structure and the improvement of quality of life. This paper first analyzes the existing problems of old housing, then expounds the significance of old housing reconstruction under the background of urban renewal, and finally puts forward the methods of old housing reconstruction under the background of urban renewal. In order to promote the healthy development of the city, enhance the sense of well-being and belonging of citizens.

Key Words:Urban renewal; Old house; Renovation; Residential space