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单位:广东工业大学     作者:张祯,贾轩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-02-21

摘 要:随着服务设计发展的不断加快,其对系统性理论指导的需求也愈加强烈。文章首先阐述了目标系统理论与服务设计概念;其次针对服务设计,分析“目标系统”之于其的意义;最后探索基于“目标系统”的服务设计新思路,并从中总结归纳基于“目标系统”的服务设计流程,分别是生活方式研究、建立目标系统、利益相关者关系及其需求分析平衡、方案设计、设计评价。通过文章的研究,以期为服务设计的进一步发展和目标系统的应用提供思路。


中图分类号:F272 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the accelerated development of service design, the need for systematic theoretical guidance has become more and more intense. The article firstly expounds the concept of target system theory and service design, secondly analyzes the significance of "target system" for service design, and finally explores new ideas of service design based on "target system". Finally, it explores the new idea of service design based on "target system" and summarizes the process of service design based on "target system", which are lifestyle research, establishment of target system, stakeholder relationship and its demand analysis balance, solution design and design evaluation. Through this article, we aim to provide ideas for the further development of service design and the application of target system.

Key Words:Target system; Service Design; ideas