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单位:广东工业大学     作者:刘丽芳,林妍     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-02-21

摘 要:文章基于用户体验的理念,以广州帽峰山自然体验活动为研究对象,首先通过问卷法、实地观察法和用户访谈法收集信息,梳理用户旅程图并绘制服务蓝图,得出用户的需求和痛点;其次以帽峰山自然体验活动前、中、后各阶段存在的问题为切入点,进行服务优化设计。通过本文的研究,以期提升用户对帽峰山自然体验活动的满意度,并为相关活动服务优化设计提供一定的参考。


中图分类号:F590.63 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the concept of user experience, this paper takes the nature experience activity of Maofeng Mountain in Guangzhou as the research object, collects information through questionnaire, observation and interview method, composes the user journey map and draws the service blueprint, draws the needs and pain points of users, and takes the problems existing in each stage before, during and after the nature experience activity of Maofeng Mountain as the entry point for service optimization design. Through the research of this paper, we aim to improve the experience of users' participation in nature experience activities in Maofeng Mountain and provide some reference for the service optimization design of related activities. 

Key Words:Maofeng Mountain; Nature Experience Activities; Service; Optimization Design