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单位:南京航空航天...     作者:芮珂颖,刘迪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-03-17

摘 要:《平面构成》作为各类设计专业教育的基础课程之一,对培养学生设计兴趣、开拓学生创新思维具有重大影响。然而,许多高校对于不同专业的《平面构成》课程缺少针对性研究。因此,文章从目前高校环境设计专业《平面构成》课程的教学现状出发,结合理论和实践,从设计教育目的、人才培养体系等方面探讨环境设计专业《平面构成》课程的教学改革策略。以期提高学生的学习兴趣。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As one of the basic courses of design education, “Plane Composition” course has a great impact on cultivating students' design interest and developing students' innovative thinking. However, in terms of “Plane Composition” course, many universities lack pertinence in different majors. Starting from the current situation of education in environmental design major specialty, combined theory and practice, from the purpose of design education and  the system of talent training, in order to improve students' learning interest, this paper discusses the specific reform methods of “Plane Composition” course in environmental design major.

Key Words:colleges and universities; Environmental Design Major; Plane Composition; Teaching Reform