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单位:沈阳航空航天大学     作者:徐振华,高宏博      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-03-18

摘 要:为研究以消费者为核心的食品包装创意设计思路,文章从“读者中心论”的接受美学理论出发,认为包装设计师如同作者一样,需要将消费者纳入设计考量因素,关注食品包装中的召唤结构设计。运用跨学科研究法、文献法、观察法等研究方法,得出食品包装的召唤结构设计需着眼从本能召唤、认知召唤、行为召唤和意义召唤等不同层面进行,以唤起消费者对食品包装的参与热情,借此促进食品销售,增加消费者的体验维度。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to study the creative design idea of food packaging with consumers as the core. Starting from the reception aesthetics theory of "reader centered theory", this paper holds that packaging designers, like the author, need to take consumers into consideration and pay attention to the design of "calling structure" in food packaging. Using interdisciplinary research method, literature method, observation method and other research methods, it is concluded that the call structure design of food packaging should focus on different levels such as instinct call, cognitive call, behavior call and meaning call, so as to arouse consumers' enthusiasm for participation in food packaging, so as to promote food sales and increase consumers' experience dimension.

Key Words:Food Packaging; summoning Structure; Product Design; Reception Aesthetics