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单位:吉林建筑大学 ...     作者:李美烨,莫畏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-03-18

摘 要:工业遗产的保护与再利用模式一直是遗产保护研究的重点,遗产廊道作为一种整体性发展保护模式,为遗产保护提供了一个新视角。中东铁路作为中国东北地区的第一条铁路,对中国近代史有着深远的影响,沿线资源种类丰富并且具有线性分布特征。文章在对遗产资源走访调查的基础上,对遗产价值进行了分级评估,并探讨保护体系的划分层次和构建构成,制定保护优化对策,为吉林省中东铁路工业遗产整体性保护提供了基础研究框架。


中图分类号:TU984.114 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The protection and reuse model of industrial heritage has always been the focus of heritage protection research. As a holistic development and protection model, heritage corridor provides a new perspective for heritage protection. As the first railway in Northeast China, the Middle East Railway has a far-reaching influence on modern Chinese history, and the resources along the railway are abundant and have linear distribution characteristics. Based on the investigation of heritage resources, this paper evaluates the value of heritage in different grades, discusses the classification and construction of the protection system, formulates protection optimization countermeasures, and provides a basic research framework for the overall protection of railway industrial heritage in the Middle East of Jilin Province.

Key Words:Heritage corridor; Middle East Railway; Industrial heritage; Evaluation of heritage value; Heritage protection