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单位:广东工业大学...     作者:陈泽宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-04-22

摘 要:无论是初学者还是专业的网球运动员,在网球训练中多球专项练习都是一个长期、重要的培训项目。文章通过对多球专项训练中教练和球员的行为活动进行研究,发现捡球困难和缺乏有效的教学反馈是“多球专项练习”场景下影响教练和球员训练体验的重要因素,据此定义并设计了一款由自动网球回收机器人和手机端APP组成的网球训练辅助性产品。产品可以让教练和学员摆脱繁琐的捡球工作,将更多的时间用于训练,并且通过手机端APP将训练结果进行可视化呈现,让网球训练更具高效性和科学性。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Whether beginners or professional tennis players, multi-ball special practice is a long-term and important training project in tennis training.By studying the behavior of coaches and players in tennis training, this paper finds that difficulty in picking up balls and lack of effective teaching feedback are important factors affecting training experience in the scenario of "multi-ball special practice".Finally, a tennis training auxiliary product composed of automatic tennis recycling robot and APP is designed to assist coaches and students in better tennis training.The product allows coaches and students to get rid of the tedious work of picking up balls and spend more time on training, while also visualizing the training effect.

Key Words:Behavior; Tennis Training; Ancillary Product; Design