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单位:南京林业大学...     作者:张娜娜,刘遵月     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-04-22

摘 要:智能手环携带方便,可以较好地监测人们日常生活中的身体状态,因此智能手环颇受大众的青睐。文章旨在以小米智能手环为例,阐述了智能手环设计现状,对女性用户进行了分析,从女性用户的生活方式、消费心理、审美特征等方面对智能手环进行外观和部分功能方面的创新设计,以期为智能手环的创新设计提供新的思路和方法。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Smart Bracelets are popular because they are easy to carry and can better monitor people's health in daily life. Taking Xiaomi Smart Bracelet as an example, the paper expounds the current situation of the design of Smart Bracelet. We analyzed the female users. From the female user's life style, consumer psychology, aesthetic characteristics and other aspects of the appearance of the Smart Bracelet and part of the innovative design function. With a view to intelligent Smart Bracelet innovative design to provide new ideas and methods.

Key Words:Smart Bracelet; Product Design; Female Users