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单位:广东工业大学     作者:何晓蓉,王娟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-04-22

摘 要:新媒体的发展和应用革新了视觉信息的传达方式,使大众得以更及时、更高效地获取丰富信息。在全球化背景下,设计类会展作为城市发展创新型经济的引擎、设计产业的组成部分,正在日益受到地方政府和设计师的关注。标志作为传递品牌综合信息的核心视觉,影响着城市设计类会展品牌形象的构建。基于此文章总结国内外城市设计类会展的标志设计趋势并分析个中原因,为设计师的实践提供理论依据。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development and application of new media, the way of communicating visual information has revolutionized. At the same time, new media enables the public to obtain rich information in a timely and efficient manner. In the context of globalization, design events, the engine of a city developing innovative economy and a component of the design industry, are increasingly being valued by governments and designers. The logo design of city design events is the core vision that conveys the comprehensive information of the brand, and it has an effect on how the brand identity shows. This article summarizes the logo design trend of city design events from home and abroad, as well give reasons. I hope this article could provide a theoretical basis for the practice of visual designers.

Key Words:New Media; Urban Design Exhibitions; Logo Design; Trends