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单位:福州大学厦门...     作者:况范琼,林伟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-04-24

摘 要:文章以宁化长征出发纪念馆为对象,将映射理论引入到文化创意产品设计中,为宁化长征出发纪念馆文化创意产品设计提供新方法与新思路。首先,对宁化长征出发纪念馆及文化创意产品进行阐述;其次,基于映射理论寻找宁化长征出发纪念馆文化创意产品的设计机会点;最后,总结出宁化长征出发纪念馆文化创意产品的具体设计思路。通过文章的研究,以期助力宁化长征出发纪念馆知名度和影响力的提升,并推动红色文化的传承、红色精神的延续以及红色经济的发展。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Taking Ninghua Long March Memorial Hall as the object, this paper introduces the mapping theory into the design of cultural and creative products, and provides new methods and ideas for the design of cultural and creative products of Ninghua Long March Memorial Hall. First, it conducts in-depth research on the Ninghua Long March Departure Memorial Hall and the extraction of red cultural elements; secondly, the basic mapping theory finds the design opportunities for the cultural and creative products of the Ninghua Long March Departure Memorial Hall; finally, summarizes the cultural and creative products of the Ninghua Long March Departure Memorial Hall. specific design ideas. Through the research of the article, it is expected to help increase the popularity and influence of the Ninghua Long March Departure Memorial Hall, and promote the inheritance of red culture, the continuation of the red spirit and the development of the red economy.

Key Words:Mapping Theory; Ninghua Long March Departure Memorial Hall; Cultural and Creative Products; Design