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单位:重庆大学     作者:欧金梅,任芙瑶,李刚     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:隐式人机交互作为一种新型交互理念,强调感知与推理,能减轻用户的认知及操作负担,在数字化建设的大背景下,隐式人机交互有着显著的优势,研究数字化产品中的隐式人机交互设计有利于减轻用户负担,提升用户对数字化产品本身的持续使用意愿。文章首先对数字化产品和隐式人机交互进行了概述;然后,阐述了数字化产品设计中隐式人机交互设计的意义;随后,对数字化产品设计中的隐式人机交互案例进行分析;最后,根据对应用案例总结了数字化产品设计中的隐式人机交互设计原则。通过文章的研究,为提升数字化产品用户体验提供了有价值的理论参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As a new interaction concept, implicit human-computer interaction emphasizes perception and reasoning, which can reduce the cognitive and operational burden of users. In the context of digital construction, implicit human-computer interaction has significant advantages. In this paper, the implicit interaction behavior in life is firstly studied, and the research status of implicit human-computer interaction at home and abroad is summarized. Then the application of implicit human-computer interaction in digital products is summarized. Finally, based on the analysis of typical application cases above, the principles of implicit human-computer interaction design of digital products are summarized, which provides valuable theoretical reference for improving user experience of digital products.

Key Words:Digital Products; Implicit Human-computer Interaction; User Experience; Design Principles