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单位:安徽建筑大学...     作者:贾伟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:高校环境设计专业教学模式的不断创新已成为高校教育改革和发展的必然趋势。任务驱动式案例教学是以建构主义学习理论为基础,在吸收了案例教学、任务驱动教学两者优点下提出的教学模式。文章通过将递进型与项目式学习法的结合,全面培养及提升在校生的综合学习能力和实践能力,并结合教学现状,提出递进项目驱动式教学模式在环境设计专业课程中的应用,以促进其快速找准定位,在创新创业中实现自我价值。 


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The continuous innovation of teaching mode of environmental design has become the inevitable trend of educational reform and development in colleges and universities. Task-driven case teaching is a teaching model based on constructivism learning theory and absorbing the advantages of case teaching and task-driven teaching. Through the combination of progressive and project-based learning method, this paper comprehensively cultivates and improves students' comprehensive learning ability and practical ability, and puts forward the application of progressive project-driven teaching mode in the course of environmental design in order to promote students to quickly locate and realize their self-value in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Key Words:Progressive Project-driven Teaching Mode; Environmental Design Professional Courses; Application