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单位:江苏省徐州技...     作者:程雪琪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:文章以工业设计专业课程《计算机辅助设计Rhino》为例,通过对课程教学现状进行分析,以学习进阶理论为主并结合企业转化的真实课程项目,为该课程的教学,分析了教学改革思路。并提出教学资源企业转化、教学内容进阶突破、教学主体学生本位、教学评价综合多元的探究方法,促进学生对Rhino软件知识点和技能点的掌握,以及学生职业技能的转化,为计算机辅助设计课程的革新和发展开拓新的路径。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Taking the core course "Computer Aided Design Rhino" for the industrial design major as an example, the article analyzes the current situation of Rhino course teaching, focuses on learning advanced theories and combines the real course projects of enterprise transformation, designs teaching research and development ideas, and puts forward teaching ideas. The transformation of resource enterprises, the advanced breakthrough of teaching content, the student-oriented teaching subject, and the comprehensive and diverse exploration ideas of teaching evaluation promote students' mastery of Rhino software knowledge points and skills, and promote the transformation of students' vocational skills. Developing new paths for innovation and development of computer aided design curriculum.

Key Words:project-based teaching; Computer Aided Design; Industrial Design; Project-based Teaching