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单位:内蒙古农业大学     作者:董浩宇,毕力格巴图     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:公共设施是城市环境的重要组成部分,体现了城市的品质和品位。在众多的城市公共设施当中,窨井盖以自身的独特性和不可或缺性遍布于城市的每个角落。艺术井盖文化在全球日益兴起,别具一格的艺术设计,不仅作为城市道路艺术表现的形式,更是一种特殊的文化道路标志。城市的发展离不开公共设施的建设,精美的艺术井盖更是未来城市发展的趋势。文章分析了中外城市文化艺术井盖的设计特征及差异性,以期促进我国艺术井盖在未来设计中的发展,突出城市文化和城市特色。


中图分类号:TU990.3 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Public facilities are an important part of the urban environment, reflecting the quality and grade of the city. Among numerous urban public facilities, manhole covers are ubiquitous in every corner of the city with their own uniqueness and indispensability. Art manhole cover culture is growing in the world, unique art design, not only as a form of urban road art expression, but also a special cultural road logo. Urban development is inseparable from the construction of public facilities, exquisite art manhole cover is the trend of future urban development. This paper analyzes the design characteristics and differences of cultural and artistic manhole covers in Chinese and foreign cities, in order to promote the development of Chinese art manhole covers in the future design, with the special personality of the city itself to highlight the urban culture and urban characteristics.  

Key Words:Urban Public Facilities; Urban Culture; Artistic Manhole Covers; Road Signs; Design Differences