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单位:河南科技大学...     作者:刘浩,许占民     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:数字化技术的发展使得智能手机覆盖到日常生活的方方面面。手机新增的各类功能为用户带来便利的同时,也给部分老年用户的生活带来了困扰。为帮助老年用户更方便快捷地使用智能手机的各类功能,文章首先根据老年用户使用智能手机时的相关情况对其进行特征分类,然后应用层次分析法分析各类老年用户使用智能手机时的功能需求优先级,并根据分析结果进行APP的适老化功能设计,以期方便老年人的使用。


中图分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The development of digital technology has enabled smartphones to cover every aspect of everyday life. The new features of mobile phones bring convenience to users, but also to the lives of some elderly users have brought trouble. In order to help older users to use the various functions of smartphone more convenient and fast, first according to the elderly users when using the smartphone, it is classified, and then the application of hierarchical analysis method to analyze the functional needs of all kinds of older users when using the smartphone priority, and according to the results of the analysis of the APP's aging function design, in order to facilitate the use of the elderly.

Key Words:Hierarchical Analysis; Feature Classification; Functional Requirements Analysis; Interface Design