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单位:1.兰州工商学...     作者:张春庆,李晓辉,杨瑞琨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:文章首先分析了艺术人类学的审美观以及甘肃特色文化符号;其次,基于艺术人类学视角探索甘肃特色文化符号的视觉化开发与设计原则;最后,运用设计学的尺度与原则,从具象到形象、从传承与创新、从优化与迭代探索艺术人类学视角下甘肃特色文化符号的视觉化开发与设计策略。通过文章的研究,以期拓宽甘肃地域特色文化符号的应用领域与空间,深化甘肃特色文化符号的视觉内涵,助力新甘肃高质量发展的目的。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article first analyzes the aesthetics of artistic anthropology and the cultural symbols of Gansu's characteristics. Secondly, it explores the visual development and design principles of Gansu's characteristic cultural symbols from the perspective of artistic anthropology. Finally, using the scale and principles of design, from figurative to image, from inheritance and innovation, optimization and iteration, to explore the visual development and design strategies of Gansu characteristic cultural symbols from the perspective of artistic anthropology. Through the research of this article, we hope to explore the application fields and space of Gansu regional characteristic cultural symbols, deepen the visual connotation of Gansu characteristic cultural symbols, and help the high-quality development of new Gansu.

Key Words:Art Anthropology; Gansu; Cultural Symbols; Visualization; Development and Design