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单位:吉林建筑大学     作者:马辉,黄李娜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:随着老年人口占社会总人口比重的不断提升、生活水平和医疗技术的不断提高,以及全民疗养社会观念的普及,人们对高品质的疗养环境和服务的需求也在不断提高。文章基于服务设计理念,首先阐述了相关理论及研究意义,其次以老年疗养中心为主要研究对象,以庭院型空间布局模式为研究界定,分析庭院型老年疗养中心服务设计的特色,并提出了庭院型老年疗养中心服务设计的策略,旨在为更多用户创造有序、安静、宜人的疗养服务环境。


中图分类号:TU246 文献标识码:A


Abstract: With the increasing proportion of the elderly population in the total population of society, the continuous improvement of living standards and medical technology, the popularization of the concept of national convalescent society, people' s demand for high-quality convalescent environment and services is also increasing. Based on the concept of service design, this paper first expounds the relevant theories and research significance, and then takes the elderly convalescent center as the main research object and the courtyard space layout mode as the research limitation, analyzes the characteristics of the service design of the courtyard elderly convalescent center, and puts forward the strategy of the service design of the courtyard elderly convalescent center, aiming at creating an orderly, stable and pleasant convalescent service environment for more users. 

Key Words:Courtyard; Elderly Convalescent Center; Service Design