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单位:贵州师范大学     作者:曹鑫     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:在城市化迅速发展的进程中,提供给儿童活动的空间越发稀少,取而代之的是大规模的写字楼、住宅、工厂等。游戏场地的缺乏、繁重的学习压力、儿童公园的公共设施与儿童心理及生理需求不匹配,导致儿童公园无法真正意义上给孩子带来游戏性、参与性的游戏体验。因此,文章通过对儿童公园公共设施的使用人群及儿童公园公共设施的设计现状进行分析,提出儿童公园公共设施设计的原则,并赋予实践。以期为儿童公园公共设施设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TU984.199 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of urbanization, the space provided for children's activities has become increasingly scarce, which has been replaced by large-scale office buildings, houses, factories and so on. The lack of playgrounds, heavy learning pressure, and the mismatch between the public facilities of children's Park and children's psychological and physiological needs lead to the fact that children's Park can not really give children a playful and participatory game experience. Therefore, the article through to the children's park public facilities to use the crowd and the children's park public facilities design status analysis, put forward the children's park public facilities design principles, and give practice. In order to provide some reference for children park public facilities design.

Key Words:Children's amusement park; Landscape design; Interactivity