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单位:东北大学艺术学院     作者:许身玉,仝涵菡     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-06-28

摘 要:文章主要针对艺术设计造型基础课程赛教融合教学模式的创新实践进行研究分析。在课堂当中通过制定相应的竞赛内容、加强基础课程与专业课程知识的衔接、提升传统绘画技法在数字绘画中的应用能力、发挥课堂中的积极互动教学以及构建多元化的课程评价标准,来实现艺术设计造型基础课程赛教融合教学模式的创新实践。以期促进和完善艺术设计造型基础课程的教学方法和教学内容,使艺术设计造型基础课程不断地创新发展,焕发活力。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article mainly researches and analyzes the innovative practice of the teaching mode of competition and teaching integration in the basic course of art design and modeling. In the classroom, by formulating the corresponding competition teaching content, strengthening the connection between basic courses and professional course knowledge, improving the application ability of traditional painting techniques in digital painting, giving full play to the active interactive teaching in the classroom, and constructing a variety of evaluation standards for the curriculum system. Realize the innovative practice of the integrated teaching mode of competition and teaching in the basic course of art design and modeling. In order to promote and improve the teaching methods and teaching content of the basic courses of art design and modeling, the basic courses of art design and modeling will continue to be innovatively developed and rejuvenated.

Key Words:Art Design; Basic Courses; competition teaching integrated; Innovative Practice