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单位:河北工业大学...     作者:张曦,杨培,申梦嫣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-06-28

摘 要:中国对外教育日益开放和多元化,来华留学生数量显著增加,如何提高来华留学生教育质量并满足教学需求,需要进行广泛的实践与探索。在此背景下,将培养学生表现力、理解力和设计思维能力的课程《产品设计表达》纳入来华留学生的培养课程中是一次新的尝试。文章针对当前《产品设计表达》课程设计与来华留学生特点不匹配的问题,基于跨文化的特殊性,将文化融入和文化差异性获取作为课程改革的核心,将提取文化属性的设计问题作为承前启后的重要内容,并从课程定位、内容、教学模式、培养目标和评价体系五个方面进行了课程体系的重新构建。跨文化视域下的设计专业课程改革研究,是对我国设计教育对外输出的积极探索和尝试,对扩大中国设计教育的国际影响力具有较为重要的意义。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:China's foreign education is increasingly open and diversified, and the number of international students in China has increased significantly. How to improve the quality of education for international students in China and meet teaching needs requires extensive practice and exploration. In this context, it is a new attempt to incorporate the course "Product Design Expression", which cultivates students' expressiveness, comprehension and design thinking ability, into the training courses for international students in China. Aiming at the problem that the current "Product Design Expression" curriculum design does not match the characteristics of international students in China, based on the particularity of cross-cultural, cultural integration and acquisition of cultural differences are the core of curriculum reform, and the design problem of extracting cultural attributes is regarded as a link between the past and the future. The important content of the curriculum system is reconstructed from five aspects: curriculum positioning, content, teaching mode, training objectives and evaluation system. The research on the curriculum reform of the design major from the cross-cultural perspective is an active exploration and attempt to export my country's design education to the outside world, and it is of great significance to expand the international influence of China's design education.

Key Words:Cross-cultural education; Product Design Expression; curriculum reform