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单位:鲁迅美术学院...     作者:杜鹤蒞,徐硕     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-06-28

摘 要:文章通过案例分析法对现有城市高架桥下空间利用的设计案例进行研究,以对比研究法分析总结城市高架桥下空间利用案例主要存在的问题,通过问卷调查法探寻城市居民对城市内公共服务产品的需求,通过产品化、模块化的设计方法提出城市高架桥下空间的公共产品设计方向。以期可以在有限的城市空间内提升城市空间的利用率,为城市居民的公共活动提供便利,并为同类课题研究提供一定参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper studies the existing design cases of space utilization under Urban Viaduct through case analysis method, analyzes and summarizes the main problems of space utilization cases under Urban Viaduct through comparative research method, explores the needs of urban residents for public service products in the city through questionnaire survey method, and puts forward the innovative design direction of public products under Urban Viaduct through product and modular design method. The final research results can improve the utilization rate of urban space in the limited urban space, facilitate the public activities of urban residents, and provide reference value for the research of similar topics.

Key Words:Space under viaduct; Public Product; Innovative Design