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基于山水城市理念下的湿地公园设计探索 ——以扬州北湖湿地公园设计为例

单位:无锡江南影视...     作者:郑蔚青     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-06-28

摘 要:中国传统山水城市理念源远流长,其深刻内涵值得人们研究和借鉴。自然山水资源不可重塑,它既是实现可持续发展的生态保障,又是传承历史文脉的空间载体。文章从生态功能、空间形式、人文思想三方面出发,阐述了基于山水城市理念的湿地公园设计思路。探索了在湿地公园建设过程中,保护自然山水资源的完整性和连续性,同时,营造出独特的历史文化氛围及空间形态,从而实现了生态、社会、景观等多方面的综合效益。以期为湿地公园设计带来一定的启示。


中图分类号:TU986.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The concept of traditional Chinese landscape city has a long history and 

its profound connotation is worth studying and learning. Natural landscape resources can not be remolded, it is not only the ecological guarantee to achieve sustainable development, but also the spatial carrier to inherit the historical context. This paper expounds the design idea of wetland park based on the concept of landscape city from three aspects of ecological function, spatial form and humanistic thought. In order to realize the comprehensive benefits of ecology, society, landscape and so on, this paper explores how to protect the integrity and continuity of natural landscape resources and create unique historical and cultural atmosphere and spatial form during the construction of wetland park. In order to bring some enlightenment to the design of wetland park.

Key Words:concept of Shanshui City; Yangzhou Beihu; Wetland Park; the landscape Design