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单位:中国建筑学会...     作者:李佳,陈陆洋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-06-28

摘 要:服务设计作为现阶段被设计学界广泛接受的一种设计理念,在我国已经得到了长足的发展。目前,服务设计不仅已经发展成设计学领域一个新的专业方向,改变着人们对设计传统的认知,更是在互联网、物联网等现代科技的支撑下,成为公共事务管理及组织创新的驱动力。文章通过对服务设计内涵和外延等本质属性的梳理,深挖其在设计创新和理念等方面对设计的影响,并在此基础上,从专业学术组织如何发挥服务社会的职能,以及如何开展设计服务两个视角,提出面向专业学术组织的服务设计原则和方法,以期将服务设计的外延拓展到与设计相关的学术组织当中。


中图分类号:TB47 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Service design, as a design concept widely accepted by the design academia at this stage, has made great progress in China. At present, service design has not only developed into a new professional direction in the field of design, changing people's cognition of design tradition, but also become the driving force of public affairs management and organizational innovation under the support of modern technologies such as the Internet and the Internet of things. Through sorting out the connotation, extension and other essential attributes of service design, the research deeply explores its impact on Design in terms of design innovation and concept. On this basis, it further puts forward the principles and methods of service design for professional academic organizations from the perspectives of how professional academic organizations play their functions of serving the society and how to carry out design services, In order to extend the extension of service design to the academic organizations related to design.

Key Words:Service Design; Professional Academic Organizations; Innovation; Concept Change; Serving the Society