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单位:华东理工大学     作者:曾雁芳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-06-29

摘 要:水元素无论在古典造园中,还是现代景观里都具有极其重要的地位。自改革开放以来,水景在我国城市园林建设中被大量应用,但是绝大多数园林理水都是借鉴或照搬国外实践经验,极少部分延续了中国传统园林中的意境含蕴。因此,文章首先梳理了中西方传统园林理水的发展历程,其次选取了中西方具有代表性且较成熟的理水时期,即中国明清时期和西方文艺复兴时期,从理水思想和理水手法两方面进行横向对比,分析两者的差异性,最后提出我国现代水景的营造方法。以期为现代化水景设计提供一定借鉴。

关键词:中西传统园林;园林理水;现代水景 ;营造方法

中图分类号:TU986.2 文献标识码:A



Abstract: Water element plays an extremely important role in both classical gardens and modern landscapes. Since the reform and opening up, waterscape has been widely used in the construction of urban gardens in China, but the vast majority of gardens are used for reference or copy foreign practical experience, few of them continue the artistic conception of Chinese traditional gardens. Therefore the paper firstly combs the development course of water management of traditional gardens in China and the West. Secondly, the representative and mature water management periods in China and the West -- The Ming and Qing Dynasties in China and the Renaissance in the West are selected to make a horizontal comparison from the two aspects of water management thoughts and methods, and analyze the differences between the two. Finally, some construction methods are put forward on water management of modern gardens in China, in order to provide some reference for modern waterscape design.

Key Words:Chinese and Western Traditional Gardens; Water Management of Gardens; Modern Waterscape; Construction Methods