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单位:福州大学     作者:聂广艺,洪歆慧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-07-20

摘 要:近年来,听障儿童的语言康复产业呈现快速发展的趋势,但仍存在儿童学习主动性不强、过度依赖机构教学、缺少课后巩固、课上学习效率低下等问题。文章基于福格行为模型,以提高听障儿童的学习主动性为目的,从动机、能力、提示三个维度,分析如何设计语言康复训练产品来提高产品的吸引力,并结合康复学中“感官代偿”和“场景学习”原理,进行一系列设计实践,重构一套新的语言康复训练模式。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, the language rehabilitation industry for hearing-impaired children has shown a trend of rapid development, but there are still problems of children's lack of learning initiative, over-reliance on institutional teaching, lack of after-school consolidation, and low learning efficiency in class.The reason is that service providers have insufficient control over the actual needs and behavioral characteristics of hearing-impaired children, their parents, and special education teachers.Based on Fogg's behavior model, this paper aims to improve the learning initiative of hearing-impaired children, and analyzes how to design language rehabilitation training products to improve the attractiveness of the products from the three dimensions of motivation, ability and prompting.Combined with the principles of "sensory compensation" and "scenario learning" in rehabilitation, a series of design practices are carried out to reconstruct a new language training model and reshape experience contacts.

Key Words:Product Design; Fogg Behavior Model; Hearing-impaired Children; Rehabilitation Training