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单位:江苏科技大学     作者:刘昊,沈洁,刘李明     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-07-20

摘 要:随着高校实验室建设的日益完备,多数工业设计实验室都配备了以3D打印机为代表的快速成型设备。作为新兴的成型技术,3D打印技术融入在工业设计专业《模型制作》课程的教学中,为其教学实践提供了拓展空间。文章从工业设计本科生能力培养和课程体系建设两方面对3D打印技术在《模型制作》课程中的应用意义进行探讨,并在此基础上,结合3D打印技术的特征提出课程建设的创新思路,以期为《模型制作》课程教学提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the increasingly complete construction of university laboratories, most industrial design laboratories are equipped with rapid prototyping equipment represented by 3D printers. As an emerging molding technology, 3D printing is first integrated into the teaching process of "model making" course in industrial design majors of many colleges, which provides a huge expansion space for the teaching practice of "model making". This paper demonstrates the significance of the application of 3D printing technology in "model making" course from two aspects: the ability training of industrial design undergraduates and the construction of curriculum system. On this basis, combined with the technical characteristics of 3D printing, this paper puts forward innovative ideas of curriculum construction. In order to provide some reference for the teaching of "model making".

Key Words:3D printing technology; "Model making" course; Teaching innovation