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单位:广西师范大学...     作者:林婵,穆荣兵     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-07-20

摘 要:随着体验经济的发展,体验性文化旅游掀起一阵热潮,文化体验性产品层出不穷。目前市场上的文化旅游产品体验形式单一,针对性不强,鲜少针对恭城油茶这一地域性饮食文化而设计的体验性产品。文章将“文旅+”的融合思维与恭城油茶体验性产品设计结合,在产品中融入恭城油茶的文化内涵、原真性、时代性等要素,增加产品的互动参与感,增强用户旅游的体验感,实现文化旅游体验性产品的多样化,为乡村产业发展助力。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of experience economy, experiential cultural tourism has set off a boom, and cultural experiential products emerge endlessly. At present, the cultural tourism products on the market have a single form of experience, with weak pertinence, and few experiential products designed for the regional food culture of Gongcheng oil tea. Article will "Cultural Tourism +" convergence thinking and GongCheng oil-tea experience, product design in the product into GongCheng camellia culture connotation, the original true, time and other factors, increase product interaction engagement, enhance the user travel experience, realize the diversification of experiential cultural tourism products, the development of rural industry.

Key Words:Cultural and Tourism Integration; Gongcheng Oil Tea; Experiential Products; Rural Revitalization