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单位:吉首大学     作者:谢玉烨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-07-21

摘 要:近年来,我国人口基数不断扩大、社会经济发展迅速、全球气候变暖、环境污染严重、能源短缺等问题扑面而来。“双碳”战略成为当前乃至今后社会长期发展的主旋律,在此背景下,住宅室内设计也应肩负绿色低碳、健康环保的使命。文章通过分析住宅室内设计的现状,思考低碳理论在住宅室内设计中的设计思路与设计原则,并深入探究其创新实例,以期为今后低碳理论与住宅室内设计的融合提供可靠依据。


中图分类号:TU241.91 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The population base of our country is expanding,social and economic development is rapid,global warming, serious environmental pollution, energy shortage and other problems. "Two-carbon"  strategy has become the main melody of the current and even future long-term social development,in this context,the interior design of residential space should also shoulder the mission of green, low-carbon, healthy and environmental protection.By analyzing the status quo in residential interior design, this paper thinks about the design idea and principles of low-carbon theory in residential interior design, and explores its  innovative practice case, so as to provide reliable basis for the integration of low-carbon theory and residential interior design in the future.

Key Words:"Two-carbon" strategy; Housing; Interior Design