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单位:江苏开放大学     作者:吕迎     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-07-21

摘 要:20世纪60年代我国动画开拓者赋予创造性地将传统水墨画引入动画创作中,开创了具有东方审美意蕴的水墨动画。水墨动画以其独特的表现形式在国际动画舞台上屡获殊荣。然而,随着时代的发展,全球经济一体化的浪潮的席卷,水墨动画出现了人才断档、受众群体萎缩的尴尬境地。文章以水墨动画在当代的发展困局为切入点,梳理产生困局的原因,制定应对策略,以期为具有东方美学精神的水墨动画提供一定的建议。


中图分类号:J954 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the 1960s, Chinese animation pioneers creatively introduced traditional ink painting into animation creation, and created ink animation with oriental aesthetic connotation. Ink animation has won many awards on the international animation stage for its unique form of expression. However, with the development of the times and the sweeping tide of global economic integration, ink animation has an embarrassing situation of talent shortage and shrinking audience. Taking the contemporary development dilemma of ink animation as the starting point, this paper combs the causes of the dilemma and formulates countermeasures, in order to provide suggestions of ink animation with oriental aesthetic spirit.

Key Words:Ink Animation; Dilemma; Strategy